Last night ESPN films premiered The Fab Five, their latest documentary about the infamous '91-'93 Michigan basketball team. If you didn't catch it last night I recommend watching a re-run. The film details the lives of Jalen Rose, Ray Jackson, Jimmy King, Juwan Howard, and Chris Webber; from their AAU days, to their two season at UM, and into their lives after The Fab Five. The raw footage alone is worth the 2 hours (7th grade highlights of Webber throwing down on helpless children is glorious). Before the times of Greg Oden, Kevin Durant, and John Wall freshmen phenoms didn't exist until The Fab Five. Here's a short clip from the film detailing the Michigan v. Duke rivalry that developed in the Early 90's.
Not going to lie, this documentary was 100% bias and while it was pretty good TV, it sucked. How are you going to premiere a show with such a hatred towards a team (Duke) right as the tournament starts? Absolutely ridiculous. I bet every high school basketball player was watching this crap, and was slightly influenced by it. Fuck that nonsense. Michigan obviously wasn't always "winning" as they lost back to back years in the final 4. Correct me if I'm wrong, but you're not "winning" if you lose. Now go back to your job on NBA shootaround.