Let's start from the beginning...
Get girls to come up to you: Going up to girls out of the blue is tough. Instead get them to come up to you. Wherever you're at this weekend, whether it be a bar, club, frat, or apartment, be the life of party. Look fun and exciting, and always be smiling. You want people to think, that kid is having fun. And as always be the alpha male; make sure your loud enough and control conversations. I guarantee some hotties will approach you if you’re having a great time and dominating the scene.
When she comes up to you: Do not stand directly facing her, instead stand opened away from her, showing her you may leave at any moment of the conversation.
During the conversation: Keep the small talk to a minimum and refrain from interviewing the girl. Be different from other chumps at the bar, don't ask her "how schools going" or "what year are you". Another definite don't, never introduce yourself or ask a girl her name. Wait until she asks, because if she does, that's indicating that she is interested in you.
End it: You must be the one to cut the conversation short. Tell her "I've gotta get back to my friends it was great meeting you." This will show her that your scarce and leave her wanting to get to know you more. (When you dangle a string in front of a cat, the cat will do anything to get the string, but when the cat finally gets the string, it loses interest.)
Follow up a little later: Don't go directly up to her. Instead try something like backing up near her then ask with a smile, "Are you following me?" This should start another conversation.
Second conversation: During the conversation make HER try to win YOU over. Say something like, "I'm tired of girls that say their fun and exciting and then turn out to be boring and lame." This will make her try to qualify herself to you, therefore making her try and impress you. She'll say something like "I'm fun and exciting." (This also will help later on. If she doesn't want to do something later in the night {winky face}, then you say "I thought u were fun, I thought u were exciting.")
The happy ending: If you take one thing from this article, make it this. "Two steps forward one step back." While hooking up make sure you progress forward slowly and if she resists going further, take it back a little, then eventually go back to what you were doing. Girls want it just as bad as guys want it, they just want to make sure you "know" they're not a slut.
This Shit works.....

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