Monday, February 28, 2011
Car Runs Down 40 Activists on Bicycles
Charlie Sheen: The Legend
Zero 76
Dom Mazzetti
Mattress Music Mondays
This second song may be one of the top Mattress Music songs of all-time. The Dreamweaver will definitely agree with that. I'm leaving you guys with this because I'm feeling a big weekend of dropping panties for myself. Just got that feeling. This song will 100% be on my CD mix for when I have my own apartment and I'm trying to seduce women and maybe some under age girls on occasion with bottles of cheap wine and Georgi.
Kimmel Killin It
The Yankee Killer
Oscars boring as usual
Sunday, February 27, 2011
Wiz Khalifa Day Today
"I had a dream that somebody was like cut your hair, and i told 'em fuck you real loud."
P.S. Check out the 3 minute mark, anyone know Wiz could shimmy like that?
Saturday, February 26, 2011
I Need A Doctor
Friday, February 25, 2011
Battle of the Green Men: Canada Vs. Ireland

One of the cooler tools that blogspot provides us is a map breakdown of where our audience is located. Sooooo I figured a cool way to wrap up our second week online would be to spotlight the country with our second largest viewership (The USA being first of course). I noticed that as diverse our foreign audience is, two counties far exceed the rest in terms of site trafficking. The two countries being Canada and Ireland. So I ask you GreenLiners...which of these two countries is the bigger boss? Ireland with is Celtic music and binge drinking culture? or Canada with its raunchy strip clubs, sexy coat check girls, and pop star exports (Justin Bieber) You decide...Have a good weekend and see you monday
Serp in 23 years
Rex Ryan Doing What he Does
Yesterday at the NFL Combine in Indy Rex Ryan once again went on record saying that he guarantees the Jets will win this Superbowl this year.
"I don't care what people think. I care what our organization believes and what our fans believe," Ryan said. "We've gotten better. I know we got to the same place last year. It might not appear that we got better. But I thought we got a lot better last year. I think if we can improve a little bit more, why not us?"
As a Jets fan, I like the confident attitude, but at least wait till the preseason to make this statement.
Thursday, February 24, 2011
The Hangover 2
Onion Sports Dome
This is just one of the mad funny skits they do on the show. If you are a big fan of Sports Center and you want a good laugh, Onion Sports Dome is your answer.
Why you should stay tuned to the revolution in Libya
"I'm not going to leave this land. I'm going to die here and die here as a martyr."

And this is how he addressed his thousands of protesters
"And when bombs were dropped on this house and when my children were killed ... where have you been, you rats and rodents? Where have you been, of course you've been with
But it gets better…he claims dissenters have been drugged with hallucinogens and that is why they are rejecting his rule. And as if his struggle with “connecting” with his protestors wasn’t futile enough, he went and hired foreign mercenaries to kill his own citizens in attempt to halt the uprising
But I saved the best for last. So we understand that he won’t leave without a bloody fight, that he thinks his dissenters are rats that are under the influence of hallucinogens, and that he has hired international mercenaries to kill these protesters. So what can make the scenario of thousands of people storming his mansion and killing their leader even crazier? Three words…Female virgin bodyguards.
Yes, after protestors storm the gates they will be greeted by female virgin bodyguards strapped with gats and ready for business. I mean what the fuck is going on here. I can’t wrap my mind around all the crazy details. It’s like as if being a crazy violent, delusional, bulk headed, terrorist leader wasn’t ridiculous enough he had to pull out all the stops with this band of female virgin bodyguards. And that is why you should stay tuned to the revolution in Libya
Throwback Thursday's
Exit Through The Gift Shop
First off, just woke up from a 12-hour nap after surviving a 48-hour study binge and two tests. Feeling refreshed. Shit, it's 3:00 A.M. (C.). What to do?
With the Academy Awards coming up on Sunday night, one of the most talked about films has been “Exit Through the Gift Shop.” The LA Times ran an article that sheds some light on the man behind the curtain. The nominated documentary, which is supposedly directed by the elusive graffiti artist Banksy, has raised a lot of curiosity. He is never identified in the film, yet there is speculation that the main star, Thierry Guetta, is actually Banksy. Banksy has insisted that the film is legit, but are you really going to take the word of a street artist? Think about it, why would he give up his pseudonym now? Plus, this dude is still taggin' shit all over LA. His latest work is titled "Crayon Foreclosure."
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Perfect Day
Awesome clip from upcoming BBC series HUMAN PLANET
And the new mayor of Chicago is....Rahm Emanuel!
“(AP) – Rahm Emanuel has been elected mayor of Chicago, and he won't even need a runoff. With 86% of the precincts reporting, Emanuel was trouncing five opponents with 55% of the vote. Emanuel needed more than 50% of the vote to win outright. The other major candidates—former Chicago schools president Gery Chico (24%), former Sen. Carol Moseley Braun (9%) and City Clerk Miguel del Valle (9%)—had hoped to force a runoff, but were no match for the former White House chief of staff.” - Newser
Rahm Emanuel is the new mayor of Chi-town. I’m thinking this is an awesome thing for the windy city. Emanuel as I am sure many of you do not know, is the brass mouthed former chief of staff who is known as being pretty much the baddest mofo in politics. For those who are less politically savvy, Rahm is the brother of Ari Emanuel ( Ari being the inspiration behind Jeremy Piven’s character Ari Gould on Entourage) Anyways, Obama’s former chief of staff won without the need for a second round of voting. Watch the SNL clip below to get a taste of Rahm’s character

Fuck Carmelo. The "Brooklyn" Nets are on the verge of getting the best point guard in the game. Multiple Sources report the Nets, Jazz and Warriors have agreed on a trade sending Deron Williams to the Nets, Devin Harris, Favors & 2 first round picks to the Jazz and Troy Murphy to the Warriors. Don't sleep on the Russian, with 2 more first round picks in his arsenal, and a shit ton of cap space the Nets will continue to be major players.
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Yeah Carmelo
Calvin Harris - I'm Not Alone (Deadmau5 Remix)
Charles Barkley
Tucker Haas
Mac Miller - She Said
Monday, February 21, 2011
Mattress Music Monday's Nightcap
Clarification On Circle Ball League

The Circle Ball League will be held this summer once everybody gets home from their respective colleges. The games will be held mostly on Saturday and Sunday after noons. Teams might play twice a day or twice a weekend. The buy in for the league will be $10 dollars a person and any one can play. Some of the money will go towards new hoops and the rest will be given to the champions of the league. Game play will consist of:
1. 4 on 4 games full court (allowed 2 bench players if wanted)
2. 20 minute halves with a running clock
3. Players call their own fouls
4. 3 point lines will be drawn
5. Scoring will be kept by 1's and 2's
The regular season will be a round robin type league and then for the playoffs we will do a march madness type tournament.
Comments are welcome for suggestions for the league.
Rihanna Drake Kanye and a shit ton of lights
Does Jennifer Aniston Have a Facebook?
The Breakup Notifier huh? Definitely a big day for Facebook creepers of the world to unite. Basically Facebook will monitor breakups for me, so I can swoop in for the rebound when a chick is freshly single.
Foaming Out The Mouth
Purp & Yellow
Mattress Music Monday's
Sunday, February 20, 2011
Pantydropper's 21st

Panty droppers bday was wild...he drank more shots then cheese on a good day... soo wild, but me and Barry were watching the dunk contest and we thought we should start a mini hoops league. This event will be held in the circle. (if you dont know what the circle is, your not invited.) This will be a round robin type league, where everone will get alot of burn. EGGGGGORRRRMMMS bday was wild....21 lets enjoy!!!
Saturday, February 19, 2011
Dunk Contest
Kobe Bryant is 'The Black Mamba'
Kobe Bryant is reaching new levels of the game. While Lebron is busy whining to us in his commercials, and Dwade continues to do mediocre T-Mobile spots; Kobe is busy making a real movie.Today Kobe premiered his movie online @ Nike.Com. The Black Mamba is a 6 minute short action film. Directed by Robert Rodrigez (Spy Kids, Sin City) along with appearances by Rodriguez flick regular Danny Trejo and Bruce Willis. Kanye West puts on a simply average performance as the villain after Kobe. Its pretty well done, and has some serious effects. Gotta respect Kobe, 5 rings, got away with cheating on his wife, and he's expanding his career now. This was a step up from his Call of Duty spot although that was pretty dope as well. I still say Best Actor in the league goes to Manu for his perfection of the flop, with Anderson Varejo taking a close second.
Mr Show - The Audition
Words I Never Said ft. Skylar Grey
Got one too many requests for this song....Lupe's the man but I'm not really feeling lasers
Friday, February 18, 2011
Wiz Khalifa - Cabin Fever
#WeekendIsHere #Lesgoo
*But more importantly tonight the PantyDropper is doing what he does best, dropping beats and dropping panties @ Club Alumni tonight 11-'when you can find the drunkest girl to take home'. If your in the area its a real sick club, with a near NYC feel. Smokeshow score: 8.
Francois Toulour is the man
The Choke Artist
Starsky's hang over cure

Thursday, February 17, 2011
You Are Now Entering the World of the Warrior
GRRRR The sound of a Cougar ready for her kill
Heading downtown is like heading into the jungle, 35-40 year old cougars praying, waiting for BB to arrive. PD's channeling his inner John Franco, I think he might have better luck with Armando. I got my inner Mariano ready; calm, cool, and collected. Will only be satisfied if im getting a ride home tomorrow morning while her kid is in the backseat going to school.
Dock Ellis & The LSD No-No by James Blagden
Christopher Walken's Rendition of "Poker Face"
In for the Kill
JJ Redick will feel this for A long time
Throwback Thursday...DFMS style

Wrestling a Girl
The quote above is from Joel Northrup,35-4 on the season and a sophomore wrestling for Linn-Mar High in Iowa, who just FORFEITED his match with a girl, Megan Black because of the "appropriateness" of the match. Did I mention that this match happened to be in the State Tournament? I mean, c'mon bro, what the fuck are you thinking?
I'll tell you what I'm thinking. I'm thinking that you've got a real small dick. One of those chodes, where the berries are bigger than the twig. The simple solution to this problem would have been for good ol' Joel to pick this broad up, and throw her down on the ground real quick, and pin her. Maybe set a record for fastest pin or something? IDK? Everyone has attended a high-school wrestling match before, and everyone knows the move if you catch a boner mid-match. Just call time-out, fake an injury, and go to the mushroom flip or something man.
Bottomline, you're soft. Man the fuck up next time..
Wave Skiing in Hawaï
1000th View and bringin' in the NEW
If you wanna check out Tony P's youtube page, click below...
RIP Uncle Leo (Hello)

UNCLE LEO say it aint so, you left us with countless memorable moments throughout the years. He's right near the top of my favorite Seinfeld characters list without a doubt. So I'll leave you with this and I think its fitting that everyone gives a "JERRRYY HELLOOO" today, for our beloved Uncle Leo.
Get Herschel Walker a Giants Jersey

Trust me, Herschel still got it
Read more here
Reggie Watts on Conan
First off, I’m a huge Conan fan and could easily throw Conan on The Green Line daily but won’t. That being said I will make the occasional exception when clips are super Green…such as this one
Check out his performance below
Throwback Thursday's
South Sudan to almost be named "KUSH"


Thursday Morning Top 5
In Spirit of my name change I give you hooligans my weekly Top 5
Top5 Indian Swagger:
5. Aniz Anasari (Actor: Parks +Recreation): I must admit this dude has the 'annoying semi-funny Indian thing' on lock today in Hollywood. Feels like he shows up everywhere, not that epic but I feel obliged to give him a slot. He can grow on you, and clowns real hard at times.
4. OFFICER Arcot 'Thorny' Ramathorn: If your a real man you hold a small space in your heart for Super Troopers. Gotta love those thick beautiful lips, love that bushy mustache, and most importantly love Car RamRod. Making the legendary arrest in the German Techno scene and offering up moustache rides in an orgy later, Hands down to this legend.
3. KUMAR (Harold + Kumar go to White Castle): This is certainly not for Kal Penn the actor, whose appearance on 24 simply made me laugh, this is for Kumar. Kumar wanted some white castle, Kumar got his White Castle. And helped us witness many hilarious all time movie moments.
Props to the chick he bangs in the sequel, her name is Danneel Harris, here's one of her many maxim pics"
2. BARRY BADRINATH (Beerfest):Did he really know the whole time? Do we ever really know the whole time? I'm drunk your drunk were all drunk. Legend
1. Wilmer Valderrama(Actor/Legend): He came to Point Place a foreign exchange student. He Left banging Mila Kunis.
thats right wtf Fez and Jackie end up together in That 70's Show
Try denying it, you watched at least 5 episodes of Yo Momma and said "Cash Mahney" at least once it your life. On Howard Stern he described himself as on a 'sexual prowless' and claims to have Mandy Moore's V-Card. Love this dude, i've been told i look like a mix of him and Enrique, i lean more towards the Enrigue side, just being modest.
Get in that Ass!
North Korean craziness
So I was checking Newser today, which of course is a super awesome news website, and I came across this article about the North Korean government and how they are so broke that they can’t deliver on food that they promised their citizens, and actually got knockoff Rolex watches and Armani suits for their senior officials. Well…reading this reminded me of this really fucking trippy documentary I just watched on
Heres a trailer for the dvd
Forgot to mention...The Vice Guide to Travel can be streamed instantly if you got Netflix
And here is an amazing nugget of awesome random knowledge…The PantyDroppers aunt actually worked in the Clinton Administration as a Special Advisor to the President, Secretary of State, and North Korea Policy Coordinator. She is a seriously influential woman who I’m betting will soon get a position in the Obama administration. So whether its protecting the world from North Korea or finding the newest hottest jams on the web, the PantyDropper family gets it

Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Under Cover of Darkness
This is a new single off The Strokes new record. This song is pretty dope and I can see it getting real catchy down the road...def worth a listen.
Typical Mets
Sam Adams
Katy & Kanye?
New Radiohead album drops Saturday
Bitches and Beaches
2 Beers a Day Keeps the Doctor Away

A recent discovery has found that drinking a maximum of 2 beers a day is actually healthy for you. Studies show that drinking 2 beers a day can lower your chances of a stroke, heart disease, and vascular disease. So the next time someone is nagging you about drinking to much, all you got to say is "I'm just trying to stay healthy."
...ya dig?
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OFFICIAL Somewhere over the Rainbow - Israel "IZ" Kamakawiwoʻole
Beautiful song, if ur stressed give it a listen, nothin better than IZ!
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
KEGGGGG shredding
Snack Time
January 11, 2011 (KNOLLWOOD, Ill.) (WLS) -- Sheriff's police are investigating a north suburban Knollwood robbery where a man picked up a snack then robbed the cashier at knifepoint.
On Sunday around 8:30 a.m., the Lake County Sheriff's Office responded to an armed robbery at the Knollwood Walgreens at 12700 Rockland Road.
The cashier reported that a man entered the store, picked up a Rice Krispies Treat, placed the treat on the cashier's counter and held out a 3-inch pocket knife.
The robber told the cashier that he did not want to hurt her and that he only wanted the money. The cashier opened the cash drawer, and the offender took $229. The man then fled on foot westbound from the store. Investigators say they believe the suspect got into a vehicle.
If you've ever been inside the Mee household growing up you know there was never a shortage of snacks. Any time you wanted to feed the keg all you had to do was open that cabinet door and pick from the thousand different varieties that were stuffed in there. Shit was out of control, just a legendary selection. Out of all these snacks Rice Krispies had to be in the top five. List probably goes like this:
1.) Cheese Doodles
2.) Dunkaroos
3.) Gushers
4.) Rice Krispies
5.) Mini Muffins
So with that type of selection I never even had to think about stealing me some snacks come snack time. But this guy over in Illinois was craving some rice krispies and was willing to do whatever needed to get some. Don't be fooled by the 229$ this dude got along with the snacks, because I'm 100% sure this guy was just in it for some Krispies.
(P.S. There is still a cabinet in the Mee household that has at minimum 4 boxes of gushers in it at a time, all of which have to be at least two years old, so let me know if you need the gusher hook up, I got you.)
Blues Clues Star Fears Ice Age
Sheen's Semen
In The Morning..
Either way, we all wanna hit it in the morning....
R.I.P BIG L (May 30, 1974 - February 15, 1999)
Jake the Snake is a Wildman
Read more here
Bonnaroo 2011 Lineup announced and it looks amazing
Mac Miller - Donald Trump
If you feelin how I'm feelin put ya hands in the sky
Monday, February 14, 2011
Parallel Barking
I'm gonna keep the blog updated with some epic college stories. So i'll be on the lookout for some worthy ones to post. Im not looking for I got caught smoking a piece out the window of my dorm stories, more along the lines of I blacked at a party hundreds of miles from my school, broke into a sunroom for warmth, and woke up on a front lawn the next day (happens to be from one of the green line legends). So stay updated for the first stories i find worthy enough to post.
nd btw did anyone see Marc Anthony and J-LO at the grammys last night.

Dude must be packing serious heat because i dunno if there is an uglier dude alive. Not saying Jennifer "chocolate flavored kisses" is in her prime but comon now.
Between Anthony and Marko "2 ppg" Jaric scoring Adriana Lima, im starting to lose faith in society.