As many of you may already know, Silvio Berlusconi is a straightup PIMP. If you don’t know this guy, Silvio Berlusconi is the current lovable prime minister of Italy who has an affinity for hookers, scandal, and corruption. You may have heard of his bunga bunga parties, where he would have sex with hoards of hookers. Or maybe you heard that he called the chancellor of Germany Angela Merkel a “unfuckable fat ass" Well… our good ol boy Silvio has found himself in the headlines once again. This time Berlusconi proposed a new slogan for his political party. Playing off their old slogan of “Go Italy!” Berlusconi joked that the slogan should be changed to “Go Pussy!” WOW This guy is absolutely ruthless, he’s like the Charlie Sheen of world leaders. He says what he wants whenever he wants to. Not going to lie, I kind of respect this guy. Just because of his give-a-fuck-less attitude. Only in Italy can this man still have a job, and it’s the top job. Go Pussy!

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