Sunday, March 6, 2011

'Thank you, Wisconsin'

"Wisconsin is not broke. It's one of the three biggest lies of the last decade. What are the three biggest lies? Lets repeat them. Number one: Wisconsin is broke. Number two: there's WMD in Iraq. Number three: the Packers need Favre in order to win the Super Bowl." - Michael Moore

In all honesty, I have refrained to blog about the battle that is being waged in Wisconsin. Politics is always a tender subject, and I doubt anyone cares about my two-cents. But being that I am a voting resident of Madison and that I am a Political Science major, I have been paying attention. Basically, without going into too much detail, Governor Scott Walker is utilizing a cost-cutting measure to break the ability of the unions to engage in collective bargaining.

What does that mean? Well, as a member of a union you have a much greater collective bargaining power. If that is removed, then the individual employees have to negotiate their individual pay packages with the employer (e.g. the State). The result: wages will fall - the poor will get poorer and the rich will get richer.

Hundreds of thousands have flocked to Madison in the last three weeks, protesting on the streets and sleeping in the capitol in hope of maintaining their wages, benefits, and bargaining rights. Yesterday, filmmaker Michael Moore made a stop in Madison to recognize the fight at hand and to urge workers not to retreat. I'm not the biggest fan of Mr. Moore but the guy does know how to deliver a speech.

1 comment:

  1. How is it that everytime I see Michael Moore he seems to have gained weight?
